Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Productive Day... Sorta

SOOOOO!! I know i haven't written much... god I feel like all my life consists of is bad TV, work, and sleep. Well today I was awoke by my mother at 8:55 am ..... for those of you that know me I didn't even go to bed until 6:50 am so I'm running on almost no sleep but for some reason feel magnificent... I'm doing laundry, Dishes, Cleaning the bathroom, I actually went to the store and donated clothes to a homeless shelter today, I feel like I've been mighty productive since its only 12:30.   

So since I got that out I'm also writing a blog to say something.
Today when I went and donated some of my lightly used clothes and shoes and such things to the homeless shelter I felt so amazing that I could do something like that for someone I don't know. I always thought when I was getting rid of stuff to take it to Goodwill or the Salvation army but what about people who don't have a place to live or Jobs or anything like that... What do they do when they don't have the $5 to buy a warm coat or sweatshirt when it gets cold? Why didn't I do this before? I'm really considering trying to start a donation drive or something like that for this homeless shelter. I feel like People have so much, alot of things that we don't even use (I am very guilty of this and am not criticizing) Why not give to people who have nothing?! As a culture are we that spoiled and blind? I'm not gonna go into this even tho I really want to.So now that I got that out.... NEXT

So I talked to my elusive father today.... which doesn't really happen very often. he is not a bad father by any means, at least in the way I see it. I feel like if I spend all my time being mad at him for the things he doesn't do I wouldn't have anytime to appreciate him for the good things, which there is a long list of great things he does... but for example i moved here almost 5 months ago, and yet when I asked him if he would come visit he replied " Not This year Shannon..." NOT THIS YEAR?! He gets almost 6 weeks of vacation over the summer because the company he works for has the majority of its business in the winter. How can you not schedule a few days out of those 6 weeks to come 4 1/2 hours to see your ONLY daughter.... That is just an example of why I am mad. But that's kinda off topic. So on this phone call today he informed me that he has a tumor on his colon.... They will know on Thursday if its cancer... So I'm freaking out of course, and trying to figure out days where I could go see him... which are Nil to none with my work schedule. UGH What a crap day now... Its funny how a few little words that come out in a matter of seconds can ruin entire hours and days... blah... 

Well Now its 2pm because I keep coming back to write more. I guess this might make up for the few days I didn't write, Now to go sulk with some chunky monkey and my DVD player


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