Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The first...

So I was challenged to create this blog by someone I work with because I love to write. I went to college for journalism and didn't finish because I don't respect what journalism has turned into. 

This is really hard for me because I am guarded and I cant usually talk about my feelings in general let alone let people I don't know read them but this is the beginning. The first in a string of blogs that I am going to try my hardest to reveal true thoughts and feelings because I need to. This is going to be my form of therapy, maybe it will work maybe it won't. Maybe I'm gonna get bored and not write often enough to do anything, 

At least I'm gonna know i tried.

This is the first. Maybe the second i will write some background info or just jump right into my life now. it all depends on how i feel tomorrow. 

Have a great night. <3 

xo-- Shannon

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