Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Soco Lime

So its my off day and I'm sitting at home alone.... yet again.

I guess I can't really complain cuz I'm making some pretty cool friends in this town. Moving out of Chicago and Northwest Indiana was probably one of the hardest things I ever did. I loved it there and some of the people. Not all of them but some of them. The south side of Chicago was a super rough place to grow up but I have to say that I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't grow up there. I'm not naive, I am gullible but that's because I want to believe the best in people and that bad things happen to good people for the greater good. My mom did everything she could to keep me out of trouble and I feel like I tried to rebel so much that in the end I ended up screwing up alot of my life for a while. Now that I see what she tried to do for me I respect her so much for it. I wish that at the point when she was trying to do it I would have just went along with it.... cuz At this point in my life I would have been so much better off. 

 This is a kinda stupid non directional rant about nothing, but it just feels good to be writing about something. I named this post soco lime because I have a liter in my freezer and I am debating if i wanna drink myself stupid before I go to bed. Soco has been a huge part of my life for a long time. lol Not like I'm a problem drinker but if I'm gonna drink I want to drink something I love..... and that's soco. :]]

On the topic of relationships, Ive found out that I'm completely horrible at them I can't open up. I have a horrible time even contemplating getting close to someone because I don't wanna get hurt, so I pull away... Classic Shannon Move. If you have ever been on the receiving end of it I'm really sorry because Ive been told its a horrible feeling. Maybe ill get into my insecurities another time, 

So I guess drinking alone is outta the question.... Maybe I'll head off to bed. I need some time to myself anyways.... Just to think an contemplate life.



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