Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I've always played a fool

I'm a strong believer in the power of love... 

Don't get me wrong its a powerful and amazing thing. 

But when is it too soon to declare your love for someone?

 I think that in order to love someone you have to know them.... I mean really know them. Not just the basics, but have a good handle on who they are, How they take their coffee, their likes, dislikes, the things that drive them as a person, family backgrounds, allergies, what kind of pizza they like .... anything that is important to you or the other person. 

I don't mean to sound skeptical but come on.... Someone who prob doesn't even know your birthday without looking at your facebook profile can't possibly love you right?

Now the thought that someone can come up with their own perception of you and love that.... I can understand. Most people need life sugarcoated to live it. A series of white lies or people cutting them breaks to spare feelings or conflicts. 

So the idea that someone loves their own perception of you as a person is most likely more probable. Or even that its not you they love at all but they just need someone to fill that void.

Get a DOG!!

 I've felt that void before, and I still do sometimes but I don't push it off on other people. Its a horrible feeling, but you have to deal with it to grow as a person. 

I don't mean to rant like this but I guess its just the best way for me to get it out. I mean sometimes I truly wonder if some people think about things before they say it..... Or even let the alcohol in their blood stream determine everything they say and do.... It seems to me that being a crutch to other people to make their life easier or better really just makes your life suck more. 

I've grown up alot after the last few years and I feel like I wasn't a very nice person for a long time and i really wanted to change that.... But now I feel like I'm just letting people walk all over me and the confrontation of me letting out my true feelings unnerves me.... I feel like I'm stuck between a HUGE rock and an EVEN BIGGER hard place. I don't wanna hurt anyone but on the same path I feel like I truly am hurting myself. 

Here was a real blog for ya.... There will be many more to come.

xo-- Shannon

1 comment:

  1. "So the idea that someone loves their own perception of you as a person is most likely more probable. Or even that its not you they love at all but they just need someone to fill that void."

    Do you mean like glorifying someone as an ideal? I can see that. But I don't think someone has to know every little detail about you to love you. Part of the journey of love and life is learning and growing with someone.

    How COULD you know everything about someone...ever? And even if you could it would be boring. I don't want to be with a man who will have heard everything I will ever have to say for the rest of my life.

    I think love is seeing the absolute worst of someone and being cool with it. Someone who can put up with your black-out drunk belligerence, smell your morning breath and watch you sit in your sweats for three days not showering, brushing your teeth and combing your hair eating cheesey poofs and watching a golden girls marathon....and STILL wanna hang out
